Monday, November 26, 2007

The Barons are Back!

Welcome to the first post of the baron blog. We are self-appointed analysts of Franciscan sports, intramural and varsity. We will be providing our insights, insults, and intelligent and sometimes irreverent observations of the teams at FUS. Just think of us as the guys who say what everyone else is thinking ; tourettes-inflicted sports fans, so to speak.

the thoughts of this blogs do not reflect those of the university or athletic department of FUS


Anonymous said...

you spelled intelligent wrong :)

Anonymous said...

I dig the blog. This is Andres Rocha, and its nice to hear an honest analysis of the games. All the ESPN coverage of the FUS games is always so biased. haha Naw, its a nice way to see how the guys are doin. Thanks for lettin me know about it. Keep it up Baron Rebels. Peace.