Monday, February 18, 2008

"The Best High School Team in the Land"

Too bad we play D-III college ball. Well life is somewhat better in Baron Land, where the win column is not so barren, thanks to our community college tour. Let's break it down:

The Good:

1. Ben Liedel- Dang man. 22 points against our "rivals" from the west side. 15 against Penn State New Kensington. 13 3 and 3 against Ohio Eastern. The kid is becoming a man. I think a nickname change is coming on- I just can't figure it out. He's no longer a baby.

2. Matt Liedel- We no longer have to put him in here. Same old same old from Matt. Doing it on both sides of the floor. From now on just assume that he's in the good.

3. Team Play- These guys are finally starting to jell. Good team play, better defense is what is giving us a few of those W's

4. Wins! Enough said. Props to Coach Donny for getting these guys to play at the next level. Next year is looking more and more promising, and it seems to be because of coaching.

The Bad:

1. 4-18 (or 5-18 or 4-19, they still haven't posted Friday's score...). Guess it could be worse, but take a look at who we've beaten:

1. Ohio State Mansfield: a branch college (community college), record is 4-23. I have family in Mansfield, let's just say that it's a farming town...yeah...we'll leave it at that...

2. Christendom: Raise your hand if your shocked that these guys actually have a point exactly. I'm shocked they didn't have to wear prayer shawls and rosaries while playing. I mean basketball wasn't invented in the century they live in. Record is 5-13

3. Ohio University Eastern: Their team picture says it all:

I could beat this kid....

Another power house of D-III...I mean a branch college. Their team is sooo good, that we can't even get there record off their website. That's right, with less than a month left, they haven't updated their website. Once. They love their Panthers.

4. Jefferson Community College: Even though it's Steubenville, it's Steubenville. And a community college. Plus we lost against them in the first half of the season. In a Bo Sox '86 type collapse. On a scale of one to ugly, It was fugly (that's waaaaaaay above ugly for all those who aren't wise in the ways of gangster).

That's our four wins. 2 branch colleges, a college of Opus Dei kids, and the local CC. Impressive.

2. We are still not playing great defense, good but not great. You could say I'm pulling for straws here, but come on, we could be at least maybe three wins better if we held the other team to 50% from the field instead of 80.

The Ugly

1. If you don't like our lyrics, then fast foward: We are still catching flack for the site. Can you believe it? I can't either. Some people in our wonderful administration want us shut down. Why? Because we express our opinions? Because we're honest? Because we care about sports? Calm down. We've been thru this before. We aren't affiliated with the University, and we are going to keep it that way. No conforming to rules or regulations, we're going to hide behind our right to say whatever the hell we want to. If you don't like our style, if we're too critical for you, or not "positive" enough, then don't read it. But if you disagree with what we say, our analysis, then we'd love to hear your opinion. Otherwise just shut up.

2. Our Website: It's Monday and we still can't find out if we won Friday...

Tonite's Match-up:
The Basket Barons of Francisan Univeristy (4-18 or 5-18 or 4-19)
The Beavers of Penn State Beaver (6-18)
With their athlete of the week:

I thinks she could out ball half our team... But yeah... these guys are riding a 6 game loosing streak and looking to dam that up. I know bad joke. But home court advantage, our new spirit of teamness, and the Liedels and Stanton leading us should give us an advantage. We'll win. But only because it's a community college.

RANDOM TANGENT: Why don't we have an athlete of the week? I mean it would be cool. Maybe we'll start doing it. Nah... Giving Matt the honor every week would get old...

RANDOM THOUGHT OF THE DAY: From a fan of the barons and the blog: "I wonder if they would of won another game if you guys didn't start the blog..."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok:ive been holding this one in for a long time. here goes:
First, as a huge college basketball fan, i would like to thank you for your contributions to enticing more discussion on campus about a team that, it seemed, was all but forgotten (and, before this blog, rightly so). It is inspiring to see that even in a time of such extreme political correctness, governmental monitoring of our everyday lives, and post 9-11 parinoia, there can still be a civilized, humorous, and damn intelligent discussion about the heart of American life: grown men in hot-pants throwing leather balls into hoops 10 feet off the ground. USA. USA. USA.
Now, Keeping that in mind, I am apalled-no, disgusted to hear that there is still a large faction of people inside the FFH who are still doing everything that they can to have the blog sensored or, as I have heard, shut down. I wonder, where does this come from? What about three college sophmores writing joke articles on about the same seriousness level as Naked Gun 33 1/3 would constitute some powerful people in the athletic community at FUS to call meetings with the writers and monitor the website? I must say, it seems...pathetic to think that grown men, and "serious athletes" can be that insecure with themselves that they have to have any kind of honest critique removed from the public eye. Grow up. Your not the damn Phoenix Suns, and its pretty fucking obvious that none of your players are Steve Nash. Dont take yourself too seriously. Your the basketball team for a college that has more people that wear veils and think that McDonalds menus should be in latin than know what the phrase "shoot the J" means. Oh-Yeah-and we have a 7% minority rate. Franciscan isnt the most b-ball friendly school. I mean, comon, i know that sports people are generally intensely into their sport of choice, but you cant view yourselves as butterflies when your still caterpillers. We call that narcicisim. Im going to lay a bit of truth on you: No one on the Franciscan basketball team is going to make it to the pros. Im sorry, but this is the truth. Stop trying to vicariously live a life that isnt real. Stop getting offended that the writers are criticizing your Cinderella World, because, at the end of the day, its still a Cinderella World.
But s till, why is there so much criticism and not so much praise? Perhaps it is because there is much to criticize and not that much to praise. What is your record again? I surely dont expect perefection, but it would seem logical to say that before you start getting huffy about negivive comments, maybe you should have at least a winning record.
Granted, I have heard their reasons for not wanting the blog to be up: the school claims that it fosters negitivity and dosent lend itsself to school pride.
Ok. Wait a second.
Your saying that an online blog that probabally 90% of the school dosent know about is fostering more negitivty on campus than having a hack basketball team with a consistantally terrible record that keeps bringing home loss after loss after loss after loss...?????
What we need at school is a team that can hold its own-a team that we can be proud of. We dont have that. We're not even close.
And why is it that in upper education there is a call for censorship? YOU ARE AT A COLLEGE! The whole point of higher ed is to challenge you, not to stroke your ego and make you feel good all the time. If you want that get the hell out of a university and go back home to mommy so that she can make you tomato soup and grilled cheese (no crusts-cut diagnal). Does the school really want to put free speech on the backburner so that it can stroke the egos of a couple of lame ballers?
I guess really, all im trying to say is, a bit of humor can go a long way. Theres an old zen saying: "Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, we shall never cease to be entertained". I think that this is a good way too look ay ourselves. Even though we might not see the good in every situation, theres certianly alot of good in this one.
yours, Scotty "Big Pimpin" Pippin