Monday, March 3, 2008

Top 5 Reasons Greg Hurst Hates Us

1. We're Supposedly "Donny Haters"
2. We have creative nicknames
3. We can write
4. Our articles are not boring.
5a. Our blog has a greater circulation that his paper.
5b. We criticize the team
5c. We get all the women
5d. We have better style
5e. We liked it when the Patriots lost
5f. We wear pink polos and tight jeans. Admit it, thats bad ass.
5g. We like Michael Bolton
5h. We like "The Notebook"
5i. We like "chick flicks"
5j. We actually know something about basketball

To counter act our evil left wing pro Jewish reporting, the Troubador has started it's very own Fox News, "Fair and Balanced", "No Spin Zone" reporting, lead by non other the fair and balanced Greg Hurst. I feel like CNN. Our new competition in the Baron Basketball world doesn't really like us. We think. Then again maybe he has never read our blog, but it seems like he is writing to us.

First of all I just have to say: We aren't Donny Haters. Let me say that again. WE DON'T HATE DONNY. Just his hair style. Kidding...Truthfully I don't get where these people get off saying this. Yeah we've been harsh when it needed to be (blowing JCC game 1 anyone?) but when we think he does well we give him props. Take a look:

St Vincents Game:

The man coached with crazy emotion in a game that we all knew we couldn't win AND explored the depth of his 42 men bench. Hopefully this wasn't just an experiment in a game that was a throwaway, but rather a realization of the potential of this team. God only knows.

Our Second Half Re-cap (Best High School Team in the Land):

4. Wins! Enough said. Props to Coach Donny for getting these guys to play at the next level. Next year is looking more and more promising, and it seems to be because of coaching.

How is this Donny Hating? Why do they think that? From the very beginning we have said he is a great guy, with good charisma, good recruiting, and a solid faith foundation. All things we respect and admire. HOW IS THAT HATING? We only said he had to work on his coaching. Which he has. So we said so. Plus to steal a line from one of our anonymous commenters: we write with the seriousness of Naked Gun 33 1/3. Enough said.

Next thing: since when do we have an agenda? What is our agenda? He thinks we have one? You have got to be kidding me! Sorry for caring about the team Greg. What happened to not being the kid that jumps on the bandwagon when the team starts winning? We were at every loss cheering on this team. So just because we started sharing our opinions we have an agenda? Come on man. The only thing we want is for this team to do well. Sorry for pushing that "agenda".

And as far as jumping on the band wagon... why did it take the Troubador the whole season to actually care about the team? Our school newspaper only starts to give article space (other than the random recap) to them in the second half of the season. Where have you been Greg Hurst? Must of taken a while to come up with five reasons to love this team. And they weren't even good reasons to love this team.

And "hope of glory"? Puh-leese. Connor's good, but not the best player on the team, and not our hope. Even though his basketball skills have turned me gay (and evidently Greg too), he's not worthy of that name. Or the airtime he's been getting in that article every week. I feel a little "scratching your buddy's back" going on in this situation.

I could go on and on but I'm tired of this. Yeah the team is winning. But we still have a loosing record, with 20 losses. I think there is some room for improvement here. Our "agenda" is still relevant. But then again Pats fans are hardly rational. Or the Troubador.

Basically these articles just seemed forced. Are they really trying that hard to keep up with us in the funny, creative, blog-style writings? But thank God they didn't give that column space to Dylan "The Spartans" Ehle. His intramural writings (and football team's play) are painful enough.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the Baron bloggers. Let's face it, like you said, the team isn't anything spectular. I think you put it well when you said that they are a great high school team. But hey, we're in college. Yeah, the coach doesn't have a ton of coaching skill, but he got us all of what??? a handful of wins aganist bad teams? Whoo-hoo. I love that you guys voice your opinions. Everyone else needs to grow up and learn that not everyone can always sugar-coat everything. Maybe too many of the players grew up in little hom-schooled, sheltered homes. In real life, you get some critisim. When you play bad, suck it up. Someone needs to tell it like it is, and the bloggers do just that. Thank you for not going with the crowd, and for being unbiased. To everything that you say... amen! Keep it up guys! I love it!

Anonymous said...

It is with regret that I comment on this blog – I wish I could simply email you and deal with this privately, but alas, you have decided to not place an email link on the page.

First, I really enjoyed your 1-5j list – I got a good laugh out of it.

Next, my articles are not aimed towards you. Nor did I ever refer to any of you as haters. Yes, I made a quick little joke about disagreeing with some of your blogs in one of my columns, but it was a joke and nothing more. Do I think you were a bit harsh at times? Surely. But I didn’t sit down one day and decide to become sports editor of the Troub so I could combat you in FUS Sports Column writing.

I also never labeled you “Donny Haters”.
There are plenty – and by plenty I mean a lot – of people here on campus that criticized the team and Donovan all season long. I don’t have to read your blog to find criticism.

I also don’t know where you got the idea that I believe you have an agenda came from…but again, this ties in with the fact that I do not believe you are Haters of this team.

As for why it took the Troub “a whole season” to care about this team, I can only answer for the time I’ve been a part of the paper. I hopped on board this semester, and had nothing to do with it last semester.

“Hope of Glory” was a nickname I thought would get a few laughs out of my readers. I didn’t expect it to become its own chant at the basketball games. Any sports writer would run off and re-use a nickname that the fans like.

And it only took me a few minutes to come up with my “top 5 reasons”.
Reason being: the columns I write are meant to be encouraging. The Troubadour is the student-run school newspaper for the greatest Catholic University in the country – it’s not ESPN or the Boston Herald. The day that I find nothing positive to write about that team, I simply won’t write.

As for me trying to “keep up” with your blog-style writings, the last thing I think of when I write my columns is your blog. I find far greater inspiration in the hundreds of professional writers that do exactly what you do – daily.

I don’t ask for any tension between us or even any sarcastic bitterness. I’m sorry if you felt like I was seeking either.

Under The Mercy,
Greg Hurst

Anonymous said...

I admire your civility, but this blog is still a venture in humor, you dont need to justify yourself.
Oh yeah-you're not funny (however, your lack of humor did make me laugh).
Scotty "Big Pimpin'" Pippen.