Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Our Eulogy to Heath Ledger....Just Kidding Let's talk some Baronball!

Welcome back to baron land baby! the Baronbloggers are back! and so is the team. New semester, new calendar year, same team, same results. And for us bloggers, new countries to drown our sorrows in. That's right, we're traveling abroad. But at least we can legally drink the beer here. Lord knows if this losing streak continues we will need it.
The reason for our excursion is to find peace in our hearts after suffering such a heartbreaking first half. Tomorrow we meet the Dahli-Lama. Followed by the Pope. Maybe he knows some Catholic European Basketball Stars....
Let's break down what we have missed so far:

1. A 53-50 heart breaker to Allegheny
Lidel and Co. continued to struggle on defense letting the other team shoot 75% from the field

2. An 81-72 defeat to the hands of Bethany College
Great job by Zac getting a double-double and Flannigan continues to turn us male fans gay with his season high 19 points. We gave a great effort against a team that was more talented than we were. I'll take 9 points to Bethany.

3. A disappointing loss to rival SHIT!!!!!! WE WON!
How bout them Barons? Lidel had 25 & 12? The Arby's train was having no more of this loosin' streak. Yeah baby! I was wondering why traffic had picked up in the last few days... Matt is a stud. Duran Duran looks to be leading well from the point, and from all accounts the Nate Stanton of old is back! Major props to him for sticking it out during his cold streak and not mailing in the season. Zac has chipped away his concrete hands, pulling out another great game. two in a row from him? Maybe we will see more from this team. Man I am so excited. I'm going to go have a beer.

A few random thoughts before our victory party here in Europe:

1. R.I.P. Dan O'Brien- we'll miss your energy and enthusiasm on this team. Enjoy Austria!

2. While we bloggers continue our search for the perfect 7'0 European to recruit to our humble team, the posts will be sparse. But we'll keep an eye on the team, and will be back in full force next year

3. Since when is one game a hot streak? I hate our sports writers. They are like communist Russians- spinning the truth.

4. Anyone who wants to let us know how they think the team is doing, since we aren't there in person send us a note.

Thats it for now. Enjoy the win. Big game tonite. Maybe get some momentum and finish this season off right. THE BARONS ARE BACK!

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