Thursday, December 4, 2008

Welcome Troub Readers

To all you excellent people who have popped over here cause of Greg's article, we welcome you with open arms. Welcome to the baron blog! Please remember that anything we have ever said is not personal but professional, and to those who read and think we are "uncharitable"... o well.

Kidding aside I look forward to bringing some actual talent to the troub sports section next semester (kidding Greg). I think he's done a great job this past year, and left me alot to expand on. From the limited time I've spent with the Troub staff there seems to be some new and semi-exciting things that will be happening next semester, including maybe/hopefully moving onto the internet, allowing me to start an actual blog on an actual website. Not that anyone would read that one either.

Well thats all for now, enjoy perusing our site. My personally favorite is "Royalty Wanted", one of if not my first post on the blog. Gotta say we were right about getting Duke...And yes, there will be a Duke day coming soon.
The Baronbloggers
including the newly crowned sports editor Jake Krempel (can't hide behind my computer anymore eh? thanks Greg)

O yeah- we don't think Greg hates us anymore... he accepted our bribe money didn't he?


1 comment:

phlp314 said...

if by bribe money you mean ....
i was going to make a slightly inappropriate joke but then i realized people might actually read this blog now :-p.

kidding. best of luck jake.