Monday, January 19, 2009

Tough Loss(es) to Swallow

Hey Baronballers.
Sorry it's been so long since we've posted, but the beginning of school crush has taken its toll on the other writers, and banging out a super 1st troub has got me caught up.
But recapping this semesters games can be summed up in on sentence:
We lost, again.
Unfortunately the arrival of Pete Burak hasn't stopped the bleeding of the loss of Connor Flannigan. We lost again tonight in heart-breaking fashion, blowing a 12 point half-time lead to loose 66-61.
Some quick facts before we end the night:
- We completely shut down their two best players in the first half using a zone defense (1st time I've seen it all year). Waajid (#52) had 3 fouls and 4 points, while Kucenic (#24), had only 2 field goal attempts and no points. Final lines: Waajid had 19 point, 18 rebounds, and still only 3 fouls. Kucenic had only 9 points, but 15 and 12 from any player in one half is enough to earn a W. Why we moved from the zone in the second half made sense (they started draining threes right and left), but Waajid totally destroyed our man defense with 5 HUGE O-Rebounds in the latter part of the second half.

-Srgt. Slaughter had 21 and Duke had 12, but Duke shot pretty poorly, going 4-11 from the field.

Thats all for now. Feeling quite depressed after this one. We're now 0-7 in conference play, and 2-3 at home.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

No Connor = 2 Losses

Why the hell are there two home games when the majority of the student body is not even at school?  Most students cannot check in until 12 o'clock on Sunday.  Its horse-shit.

(3-6) (0-4)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Does Connor Get to Play?

Frostburg State rolls in to Stuebs tomorrow for the first conference game of the spring semester. The biggest questions everybody is probably asking is, "How will the team cope without Connor?"  The bigger question should be, "Will Connor be playing?"  According to the Student Handbook's calendar, students will not depart for Austria until Sunday the 11th.  So, theoretically Connor could play both home games before he bolts for a lucrative European contract.  

Fearless Prediction: Connor plays and we win our first conference game.  Final Score 75-71.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Name Game: Better Than an AK-47?

Nicknames really don't come cooler than something like an AK-47 or a CP3.  Those nicknames are badass.  So it is really too bad that the school, our Franciscan University, does not take the initiative to buy jerseys that would make for a really awesome nickname.  But then if one thinks about it, does one really want to have the same nickname as this guy?  He plays for the Utah Jazz and has a really gay haircut.  The answer is no, and you don't want the prototype, you want the gun that is three models better and three times as kickass.
I give you the AK-50, or Andrew "AK-50" Kay.

Name Game: Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto?

Next up in the name game. The one, the only, the injured (hopefully not anymore)...Robert Slattery. Fortunately, since I'm packing up to head back to Stubie, we've done this once before for him. So not to get into it again, "Sgt. Slaughter" Slattery's creation story can be found here.


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Name Game: Finnegan's Royalty Continues. . .

As every fan of Baron basketball eagerly awaits the return of BaronBasketballMania, we present Curtis Allen up for the Name game.  As a senior who has played every year on the Baron basketball team, I'm surprised we've never given him a nickname before.  Curtis, this is long over due.

Let the record state that I worship everything Indiana Pacers.  Like I wear Reggie Miller pajama's at night.  I don't remember Chris Mullin for his golden years on the Warriors (once a Pacer, always a Pacer).  I will even admit that Ron Artest is one of the most tragically misunderstood players ever in the NBA.  That brawl against the Pistons in '04 only proves every wretched rumor about Detroit, it's fans, and the entire Pistons organization.  All except one.  Tayshaun Prince.  I cried myself to sleep the night he had this block on Reggie Miller in the 2004 Eastern Conference Finals.  Ever since then, I've respected him and his game changing abilities on both sides of the court.  In this way, Curtis is like. . . no. . . Tayshaun is like Curtis.  Both players are known for their key defensive stops, but they are also more than capable of leading their team in scoring on any given night.  Plus, as one of the handful of seniors on the team, you're gonna be pressed to find a more respected guy on the team.  Since this is his final semester on the team before he graduates, I know he will post one of the biggest semesters he's had on the Baron basketball team.  I shudder at the thought of ever rooting for the Pistons.  Unless its just for Taysh. 

 Congratulations, Curtis "Prince" Allen.  Let the reign continue.  

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Duke of Finnegan

Josh "Duke" Ducoulombier.
Not much else to say.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Well at the baronblog we are getting a little bored. With no baronball going on we are having a little withdrawl. So to pass the time we are going to do something a little different. It's time for nicknames. Each day we will put up three names, and either:
A) Tell you their nickname and why they have it
2) Give you an option for a few nicknames and let you vote on it (if i can figure out the voting thing)

So without further ado, let's get to the name game.