Friday, November 30, 2007

"Does he even care?" - Franciscan Fan

Are you ____ing kidding me?

This blog has done its BEST to give Coach Sean Donovan the benefit of the doubt, but this ATROCIOUS display of horrific coaching has been the straw that breaks the back of our generous biting of our tongues.

Like we have said, he seems to be a really nice guy. people love him as an RD over at Kolbe and he is a good spiritual leader for the barons.

But so was Lloyd Carr.

and Don Capers.

and Ron Zook.

and Isiah Thomas.

That's it! He is Franciscan's version of Isiah Thomas. Boy has Isiah brought in some talent (100+ million dollars worth, but that's another story). But Sweet God Almighty, he can't use it. That is exactly what the fans and supporters of Franciscan University Basketball are experiencing this year.

Let me set up the game for those of you who were FORTUNATE enough to skip out on tonights game. The Jefferson Community College Trojans had 7 players. 7! We have 16. the typical fan would expect by just looking at the sheer numbers this would be a Phoenix Suns-esque up and down, wear the short-handed team out of the gym. That is exactly what it should have been. Instead, it was a methodical, half-court game. I have so much pity for the 8 players riding the bench tonight. The name of the game this preseason for the Barons was conditioning, conditioning, conditioning. Every night players would be returning to our dorms exhausted from miles and miles of running, in the gym and out. Although that seems like alot of work, this Baron fan was out of his mind to realize the amazing fast-paced basketball he would get to see the upcoming season.

"Alex, ill take extreme disappointments for 400."

So that's a wrap on problem number 1.

#2 PRESS!!!!!!!! I really can't say too much more, its so ____ing obvious. but hey, progress, I think, I think I saw two presses today. I'm glad to see that Donovan actually does understand the concept at least.

#3 "Man, that coach just sits there all game, doesn't he" - one disgruntled visiting father as he left the gym.

I seriously question what the hell he actually does during a game. I made a point to observe his reactions during the game, and I saw a man who doesn't seem to care. I understand mild manner-ness a.k.a. no Bobby Knight impressions. But along with mild manner must come smart, insightful adjustments during the game. The team played the same damn way the whole game. I would love, LOVE to hear what goes on in those huddles. There is just NO adjustment. Unless the man is giving amazing Al Pacino-esque inspirational speeches in the locker room, this team is being greatly short-changed.

Team Supervisor and Manager is not the same as Coach. Catherine Heck could make a team run alot in practice.

Mad props to Donovan on this game, however. Despite his Tiger Woods Fist Pump, he seems to have retired from the Spirit Squad. O, and he has his coaching poses done pat.

To sum up this section, Donny seems like a nice guy, but the talent on this team is not living up to what it should be achieving, and that begins and ends with coaching.

Now, on to the rest of the entry.


1) Curtis "Look, I got in the game!" Allen. The momentum that sprung from his two quick threes SHOULD have propelled this team into an easy win, but that's not his fault at all. I wonder if Donny heard the "CURTIS ALLEN" chants when he came in the game. Allen brings more to the floor than the spirit squad ever did.

2) Matt "I'm thinking Arby's" Liedel. MVP. it seems as if whenever we need a rebound, or to actually score a point, its always Matty.

3) Ben "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" Liedel. FEARLESS. though he had limited PT (I'm sure Donny was saving him for....God knows what), he came in cold and hit threes whenever the team needed a spark. Someone needs to send a Christmas gift basket to Momma Liedel - she did good.

And that's all we can think of tonight


1) (See whole section on Donny)

2) Conor "Turns men gay" Flanagan was unable to make the men in the crowd question their orientation. Don't get me wrong, Flanny plays every game fearless and takes it to the hole. Tonight, however, Flanny was traveling again and couldn't finish. For the first time, he played like a freshman.

3) Zach "Stone Hands" Hohenburg. #$^%$^$#%&@#$%$%^&!!!!!! His night can be summed up by the three consecutive missed put backs as the time expired - time when the other team didn't even care enough to play defense. I understand the guy has been on the team for a while, but so has Allen, and that hasn't translated to much PT for him. I just can't understand why Donny can't try Andrew "A-O" Kay at center. I know he's a freshman and probably has an unpolished game, but from watching warm-ups and some pick-up games, it wouldn't hurt. But then again, this is Donny we're talking about.

4) Nate "Captain Crunch Time" Stanton. He is only here for the cold-streak that he is going through right now - the same one that Curtis Allen had early last season. Actually, that's all he's here for (I'm just too lazy to put this into the GOOD section). Stanton has impressed me with his ability to not think about his cold-streak, and instead do the one thing this team really, really sucks at - Rebounding. The best players do whatever they can when they're down, and so does Stanton. I wouldn't want to meet this guy in a dark ally.


1) Not that it would have really changed anything, but I think Tim Donaghy's ole buddies were officiating tonight. Maybe even Borat went up to them before the game on behalf of JCC and asked, "How mawch?"

2) The guy flashing the JCC players with his chest during free-throws. I'm calling my therapist.

3) NOTE TO THE TOWEL MAKING PEOPLE - use spell check. ("The Baron's are back"??? that's a Franciscan education at work my friends.)


Anonymous said...

o he cares. he gave the team an f-ing curfew.

faithful said...

Curfew? The night after the game? Tell us more... this is a big story.

Fr. Gregory Plow, T.O.R. said...

I think you (the author of this blog) have placed your desire for a basketball win above the most fundamental call we have as Christians commanded us by Jesus: charity. While there is nothing wrong with being competitive and wanting to win, your vitriolic writing is way over the top and offensive to many, many people, including myself.