Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pre-Tailgate Blowout

Player Ratings
Here is the Long Awaited Player Ratings For Your FUS Barons. This is our opinion if everyone's game after just a few games this semester. We will re-evaluate again next semeseter. Enjoy! The Barons Are Back!


Shooting-B Solid; hasn't gone off
Inside Game-B good driver
On Ball Defense-C
Intangibles-A- great swagger; only guard who consistently drives; freshman; Irish

M. Liedel
Shooting-A great shooter
Inside Game-B+
On Ball Defense-C
Intangibles-A gets hot quick; doesn't stop shooting, knows he's the s***

Shooting-C+ yet to see much
Inside Game-C does not drive often
Ball Handling-A
On Ball Defense-B-
Passing-B- stares down receiver
Intangibles-B+ does his job, handles pressure

Baby Liedel
Shooting-B+ solid; would like to see development
Inside Game-C
On Ball Defense-B+ only person who guards outside the 3-point line
Intangibles-B+ great energy; complements other players well; freshman

Disclaimer-These rankings are based on performance so far this year, Nate has yet to find his niche. He's better than this:
Inside Game-B
On Ball Defense-B-
Intangibles-B+ great leadership; can be clutch

Top Reserves:

Inside Game-C+ stubborn
Rebounding-B- give up way to many offensive boards
On Ball Defense-B
Passing-B- when he actually passes out has good vision
Intangibles-C- o wait.....height so

Shooting-B+ very streaky
Inside Game-B+ nice hook shot
On Ball Defense-B-
Passing-A- one of the best on the team
Intangibles-B fan favorite; tenacious D

Shooting-B+ fearless
Inside Game-C yet to see
On Ball Defense-C
Intangibles-B+ wait... he cut his hair so
Intangibles-B hits big shots; freshman

The rest of the players we've yet to see enough of to evaluate. So we will wait on them until next semester. Overall we like the talent we've got on this team. This team is still very young, hopefully we will see them grow into a contender. If we can learn how to press...

Anyways: On to the coach:

Nice Guyness-A+++ even though we might dog him some we still think he's a nice guy
Game Planning-D+
In Game Adjustments-D+
Use of Talent-F
Really Really Nice Guyness-A++
Ability to Make Spirit Squad-A
Talent Development-C-
Recruiting-B+ good freshman class but face it at FUS Jesus does half the work; plus he can't get the Duke out there

Keys of the Game
Big game against our "rivals" this Friday. Here's how we see us winning (funny I know)
1. Find an Offense- and if we've actually got one run it. Even if we get behind. No more jacking up 40-footers when we are down 15. You are not Larry Bird. (God bless the basketball Jesus)

2. Get Our Reserves into the Game- we have got 32 players, use them.

3. Run the Court/PRESS- for the love of God we have got 32 players.

4. Prayer- its a STEUBENVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Have you seen the crime rate? Or the high school sports?

That's it for now, analysis will come after the game. See you at the Tailgate!

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