Friday, December 21, 2007

We actually do have sportswriters.

Apparently the Finnegan Fieldhouse operates through Christmas Break. Today I was rummaging around the Athletics section of one of my favorite websites and found that there has been some new game recaps posted about our beloved Barons. I cannot say when they were put up because they have no time stamp, but I can say two things about them.
1. The game recaps are a little bit late.
2. (And since we do not like to be critical here at the Baron Blog) at least there are recaps up.

Here are the two latest games
Waynesburg and Altoona
and here are two other game recaps that were recently posted
Ohio University Eastern and Hiram.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wow. 27 Turnovers.

1-11. 9 straight loses. I guess its because we're playing really good teams or something.
Again, FUS does not have an article on its Athletics page. But fortunately for you the Yellow Jackets of Waynesburg and the Baron Blog came through. Their account can be found here, but I will summarize it.
1. Score at halftime was 52-17.
2. Again we jacked up 3s, but only made 2-12 in the first half, 16.7%.
3. And not to overdo it, but we had 27 turnovers.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


At least I have one more chance for Santa to give me a Baron win.
Last night the Barons fell to the Altoon Lions, or whatever they call themselves. It wasn't a pretty score, 76-57, but it was close at one point when the score was 48-43 with 13 minutes left in the second half. Maybe the score was a little lopsided because we jacked up 28 3s. I don't know, maybe? Chas Marks led the way with 20 and Nate got 17. And apparently Nate Stanton is going to join the AMC conference next year, I guess thats pretty rare for a player. That little tidbit is courtesy of the Penn State Altoona website. You can read the rest of their coverage here, but you will be unable to find any FUS coverage. Interesting, no?
The Barons have another game tonight when we travel to Waynesburg University, game time at 7:30.
Prediction: I think we get this losing streak done with, get some momentum going into the second half of season with a win.
Fearless Predictions:
1) Score-68-60
2) "5-5" has another huge game
3) Zach brings down 15, all offensive boards

Thursday, December 13, 2007

All I want for Christmas is another Barons W

Sorry to all our adoring fans for not posting in a long while, but there has been no home games as of late to blog about. The Barons do have two (2) huge games coming up. With a win it would bolster our record to 2-9 and possibly 3-9. It's too bad that none of us here at the "The Baron Blog" will be use our gas cards and travel with the team. But of course we will resume blogging once the spring semester begins. We will continue with the most consistent, compelling, and up to date coverage of our beloved Barons.
Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A response to our "All Weather Fan"

Greetings from Baronville!
Well we've encountered some resistance.... from students and administration alike. But we're trying for a peace offering with administration, but with our
"all weather fan", let's respond to your post. For those of you too lazy to click on the comments link in our assessment of the St. Vincent game, I will repost his comment here:

Man, after the obviously qualified hide-behind-my-computer-blog-coach(charles) noted such a great improvement in play following the St Vincent game it sure would be great if we had an update from him regarding the away game at Hiram or lose he obviously knows more than the man hired to actually lead the team (and the years he has spent ACTUALLY on the court coaching).... oh wait, he only bashes the team when it doesn't take a toll on his gas card....

First of all my all weather friend, we are not here to bash this team. We are here to give our opinions. We give credit where we think credit is due, and complain when we think something should be fixed. It's our opinion. And so far we have been equal opportunity employers, when a player does good, we say good job, when he does bad we say so. And as far as the coach goes its the same thing. When he does a good job we say so (St. Vincent), when we think he didn't we'll say so too (JCC). We love this team, the athleticism, the youth, the leadership, this university. We aren't here to bash. Show me one place where we have said somebody sucks at basketball. Or should quit. That's bashing. We don't do that. We respect the players and what they do. But a little constructive criticism, or praise for that matter, doesn't hurt anyone. We aren't mean. Otherwise I wouldn't be so nice right now.

Second we might not be coaches, but we've played one in a blog. Kidding. But seriously everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you want to create an all love fest blog go ahead. Conform to the University's unwritten policy of criticism is a sin. But we are trying to give our opinion, with a humorous twist on it. That's fine to disagree, but don't challenge our decision to "hide" behind our computers. We did that on purpose. There was already a witch hunt to try and get us out. And I don't see you using your real name either.

All three of us have prior playing experience, one of us even at the college level. We might not be coaches but we can still figure out that if you're going to keep 32 players on the roster, you might as well use them. Especially if they have some real talent.

Finally, we, like yourself, are college students. This blog is something we do to get out our "creative juices" and show our love for sports. But we're college students first. No I'm not going to travel 2 hours to go see us lose by 20 when I have exams starting the next night. That's too much pain for a recreational hobby. Obviously this team means a lot to you. Did you go (And it doesn't count if you had to go as part of the team or a manager, etc.)? If you didn't go and are worried about last night's score we still got it for you. It will be coming soon after this post. But in the long run we might go check out some away games, but for the most part we'll update you on the scores, but not much else.
So that's what we've got to say to you Mr. All Weather Fan. Calm down a bit. Don't get your panties all tied up in a knot.
It's just a blog.
It's just a game.
It's just a 1-8 D-III team.
If you don't like our opinions there's a little red box with an X, in the right top corner of your screen. Click it.
Otherwise stop being an ass. My firewall I "hide" behind can't block that.

PS- Thanks for reading and commenting on our blog! Please pass it along to friends if you like it.
-The Baron Bloggers

Monday, December 3, 2007

St. Vincanity

OK, this game wasn't as out of control as the name suggests, but we can all appreciate a Vince Carter reference.

The Barons played a much better game against the best competition the home crowd at Finnegan has seen this year.

We were supposed to lose this game, but we were supposed to lose this game by much more. To quote a player on the team, "Dude, please don't come".

This writer, however, was glad that this suggestion wasn't taken to heart. The Barons showed a glimpse of what this team could be. The Barons may have made an amazing comeback in the first home game, but that was the same old 3-point dependent basketball that has excited, but more commonly, broken the hearts of the Baron faithful the last year and a half. Today, however, was the start of something special.

Okay, for a fastbreaking team we don't fast break like one, and our zone defense is something that could maybe stop Catholic Central, but is not at all intimidating in DIII ball, but I am still encouraged after this game, believe it or not.

But today showed that the baron bench is deep and very usable (not to say I tolja so, but...).

Andrew "A-O" Kay - This kid has the potential to be the best big man in recent history at this school. Don't get me wrong, this kid is OBVIOUSLY a freshman. But with his inexperience comes much confidence down low that is sorely need on this undersized squad. O yeah, and this kid can play some serious post D.

Dan "Headband" O'Brien. Looks like this kid's dedication in the weight room has payed off (seriously, does he do anything else?). Came in and and controlled the game like someone who hasn't been riding the bench all season.

Zach "Sidewinder" Hohenburg (have you seen the side spin on this guys shot? eh, it goes in). Zach displayed a new found jumper that was money today and drove to the hole with authority. AMEN!


The man coached with crazy emotion in a game that we all knew we couldn't win AND explored the depth of his 42 men bench. Hopefully this wasn't just an experiment in a game that was a throwaway, but rather a realization of the potential of this team. God only knows.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Breaking Down the Match-up: St. Vincent's @ FUS

Big game tomorrow night as the Barons take on the Bearcats of St. Vincent for the second time this season. Last game was a complete blowout, 96-48. The Barons badly need a win to get off this losing streak. Here's our keys to the game:

1. Get the Arby's Train out of the gate early- Liedel was held to only 4 points the last time these two met. For us to have a chance for a 50 point turn around and win this game, we need Matt to get hot early, and often. Adding on to this, everyone needs to shoot better. We are constantly shooting below 30% (including 26.7% in the last match up). For a gunning team we need to do better.

2. Limit the Turnovers- We committed 23 turnovers last time. 23! We need to stop that.

3. Play Defense- This is pretty self-explanatory. Too many Offensive Rebounds. BOX OUT! PRESS!!!! USE ALL OUR PLAYERS!!!! PRESS!!!!!! PRESS!!!!!!! PRESS!!!!!! AND PLEASE BOX OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

4. Play Smart- This is the most important. Run our Offense, Play Smart Defense. No stupid shots or stupid fouls. Most importantly we need to play with confidence. Overcome our age and not fold under pressure.

Thats it for now. Let's go get win number two! See ya at the game... THE BARONS ARE BACK!!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Box Score vs JCC Nov 30

Team Totals FUS
Total Field Goals 29-81 36%
Three-Point 08-32 25%
Rebounding (off/def) 14-17
Blocks 4

Team Totals JCC
Total Field Goals 32-81 40%
Three-Point 07-24 29%
Rebounding 20-28
Blocks 2

Pts Flannagan 19
Reb Liedel 12 (39% of team rebounding)
Ast Feuz/Stanton 4

Liedel had a double-double, 15-12.
Curtis Allen led the team with 3 threepointers.
O'Brien, Moore, Thrun, Fischer and Kay DNP.
Flannagan only shot 6-22, but made all six of his free throws, the only free throws for the whole team.
Feuz, Stanton, and Liedel all played over 34 of a possible 40 minutes.
Zach only grabbed 3 rebounds in 30 minutes.

2 minutes left in the game...It's coach Donny TIME!!!!!

Gotta Love Donny Osmond's moves. Must be the fourth quarter of his act. Cause thats usually when coach pulls out those sexy spin moves. Really pumps up that crowd. Owww!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

"Does he even care?" - Franciscan Fan

Are you ____ing kidding me?

This blog has done its BEST to give Coach Sean Donovan the benefit of the doubt, but this ATROCIOUS display of horrific coaching has been the straw that breaks the back of our generous biting of our tongues.

Like we have said, he seems to be a really nice guy. people love him as an RD over at Kolbe and he is a good spiritual leader for the barons.

But so was Lloyd Carr.

and Don Capers.

and Ron Zook.

and Isiah Thomas.

That's it! He is Franciscan's version of Isiah Thomas. Boy has Isiah brought in some talent (100+ million dollars worth, but that's another story). But Sweet God Almighty, he can't use it. That is exactly what the fans and supporters of Franciscan University Basketball are experiencing this year.

Let me set up the game for those of you who were FORTUNATE enough to skip out on tonights game. The Jefferson Community College Trojans had 7 players. 7! We have 16. the typical fan would expect by just looking at the sheer numbers this would be a Phoenix Suns-esque up and down, wear the short-handed team out of the gym. That is exactly what it should have been. Instead, it was a methodical, half-court game. I have so much pity for the 8 players riding the bench tonight. The name of the game this preseason for the Barons was conditioning, conditioning, conditioning. Every night players would be returning to our dorms exhausted from miles and miles of running, in the gym and out. Although that seems like alot of work, this Baron fan was out of his mind to realize the amazing fast-paced basketball he would get to see the upcoming season.

"Alex, ill take extreme disappointments for 400."

So that's a wrap on problem number 1.

#2 PRESS!!!!!!!! I really can't say too much more, its so ____ing obvious. but hey, progress, I think, I think I saw two presses today. I'm glad to see that Donovan actually does understand the concept at least.

#3 "Man, that coach just sits there all game, doesn't he" - one disgruntled visiting father as he left the gym.

I seriously question what the hell he actually does during a game. I made a point to observe his reactions during the game, and I saw a man who doesn't seem to care. I understand mild manner-ness a.k.a. no Bobby Knight impressions. But along with mild manner must come smart, insightful adjustments during the game. The team played the same damn way the whole game. I would love, LOVE to hear what goes on in those huddles. There is just NO adjustment. Unless the man is giving amazing Al Pacino-esque inspirational speeches in the locker room, this team is being greatly short-changed.

Team Supervisor and Manager is not the same as Coach. Catherine Heck could make a team run alot in practice.

Mad props to Donovan on this game, however. Despite his Tiger Woods Fist Pump, he seems to have retired from the Spirit Squad. O, and he has his coaching poses done pat.

To sum up this section, Donny seems like a nice guy, but the talent on this team is not living up to what it should be achieving, and that begins and ends with coaching.

Now, on to the rest of the entry.


1) Curtis "Look, I got in the game!" Allen. The momentum that sprung from his two quick threes SHOULD have propelled this team into an easy win, but that's not his fault at all. I wonder if Donny heard the "CURTIS ALLEN" chants when he came in the game. Allen brings more to the floor than the spirit squad ever did.

2) Matt "I'm thinking Arby's" Liedel. MVP. it seems as if whenever we need a rebound, or to actually score a point, its always Matty.

3) Ben "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" Liedel. FEARLESS. though he had limited PT (I'm sure Donny was saving him for....God knows what), he came in cold and hit threes whenever the team needed a spark. Someone needs to send a Christmas gift basket to Momma Liedel - she did good.

And that's all we can think of tonight


1) (See whole section on Donny)

2) Conor "Turns men gay" Flanagan was unable to make the men in the crowd question their orientation. Don't get me wrong, Flanny plays every game fearless and takes it to the hole. Tonight, however, Flanny was traveling again and couldn't finish. For the first time, he played like a freshman.

3) Zach "Stone Hands" Hohenburg. #$^%$^$#%&@#$%$%^&!!!!!! His night can be summed up by the three consecutive missed put backs as the time expired - time when the other team didn't even care enough to play defense. I understand the guy has been on the team for a while, but so has Allen, and that hasn't translated to much PT for him. I just can't understand why Donny can't try Andrew "A-O" Kay at center. I know he's a freshman and probably has an unpolished game, but from watching warm-ups and some pick-up games, it wouldn't hurt. But then again, this is Donny we're talking about.

4) Nate "Captain Crunch Time" Stanton. He is only here for the cold-streak that he is going through right now - the same one that Curtis Allen had early last season. Actually, that's all he's here for (I'm just too lazy to put this into the GOOD section). Stanton has impressed me with his ability to not think about his cold-streak, and instead do the one thing this team really, really sucks at - Rebounding. The best players do whatever they can when they're down, and so does Stanton. I wouldn't want to meet this guy in a dark ally.


1) Not that it would have really changed anything, but I think Tim Donaghy's ole buddies were officiating tonight. Maybe even Borat went up to them before the game on behalf of JCC and asked, "How mawch?"

2) The guy flashing the JCC players with his chest during free-throws. I'm calling my therapist.

3) NOTE TO THE TOWEL MAKING PEOPLE - use spell check. ("The Baron's are back"??? that's a Franciscan education at work my friends.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Royalty Wanted: The Duke of FUS Basketball Needs to be Crowned

Writers note:This is my open letter from the student body to Josh "The Duke" Ducoulombier asking him to join the basketball team. Because we need skills. And height. It will be one of many. The Barons are Back!


Join the team. You'd kick ass.

The student body

PS- Five Reasons why you should join:
1. You have mad skills. You scored like 2,000 more points than anyone in
intramurals last year. 2,0000! You're the King of Franciscan Intramurals. True royalty Duke. How can beating up on overweight, untalented PRODS and Staff Members fulfill your inner competitive drive? Come on now....

2.We need height. You're over 6'5. And you can shoot the sweet turn around jump shot. Or dunk. Or play the low post. And have you seen this team rebound? Neither have I... We need that height.

3. We personally guarantee the student body would honor you will the official title of
the Duke of Franciscan. We would petition for "
Duke Day", where the Administration would show its love by giving you the day off of classes, and we would hold a feast in your honor. We would drink Dukeraide: The special drink that makes you so awesome (which of course is the blood of all the opponents you destroyed. Including all of AMDG. And Tim Tebow. You know he looks up to you don't you? He even wears "the Duke of Franciscan" PJ's to bed. So do I. But that's our little secret...)

4. You could be the Catholic Kobe Bryant. Minus the whole Colorado thing. And getting rid of

5. You're a
baller, the best we got. Being an RA is just an excuse. Get out on the floor son! Represent our University. This team already has a ton of talent. But you can turn this team into a real competitor. You're the missing piece. The perfect mix of talent and experience to lead this team. We're like the Bulls after MJ went to play baseball, we are missing that one super duper star. And you could be it. Do this as a service to our University.
Could you imagine the people that would show up to the games, the energy it would bring to have you on a team with so many talented guards? People would go crazy. It would be like the Run T-M-C days from the late '80s at Golden State. They'd pack the
Fieldhouse. It would be loud and fun and competitive. No we wouldn't win every game, maybe not even go .500, but at least you give us a chance. So get off the proverbial baseball field, pack up your hypothetical glove and bat, and as MJ so eloquently put it when he returned, please say: "I'm Back".

Pre-Tailgate Blowout

Player Ratings
Here is the Long Awaited Player Ratings For Your FUS Barons. This is our opinion if everyone's game after just a few games this semester. We will re-evaluate again next semeseter. Enjoy! The Barons Are Back!


Shooting-B Solid; hasn't gone off
Inside Game-B good driver
On Ball Defense-C
Intangibles-A- great swagger; only guard who consistently drives; freshman; Irish

M. Liedel
Shooting-A great shooter
Inside Game-B+
On Ball Defense-C
Intangibles-A gets hot quick; doesn't stop shooting, knows he's the s***

Shooting-C+ yet to see much
Inside Game-C does not drive often
Ball Handling-A
On Ball Defense-B-
Passing-B- stares down receiver
Intangibles-B+ does his job, handles pressure

Baby Liedel
Shooting-B+ solid; would like to see development
Inside Game-C
On Ball Defense-B+ only person who guards outside the 3-point line
Intangibles-B+ great energy; complements other players well; freshman

Disclaimer-These rankings are based on performance so far this year, Nate has yet to find his niche. He's better than this:
Inside Game-B
On Ball Defense-B-
Intangibles-B+ great leadership; can be clutch

Top Reserves:

Inside Game-C+ stubborn
Rebounding-B- give up way to many offensive boards
On Ball Defense-B
Passing-B- when he actually passes out has good vision
Intangibles-C- o wait.....height so

Shooting-B+ very streaky
Inside Game-B+ nice hook shot
On Ball Defense-B-
Passing-A- one of the best on the team
Intangibles-B fan favorite; tenacious D

Shooting-B+ fearless
Inside Game-C yet to see
On Ball Defense-C
Intangibles-B+ wait... he cut his hair so
Intangibles-B hits big shots; freshman

The rest of the players we've yet to see enough of to evaluate. So we will wait on them until next semester. Overall we like the talent we've got on this team. This team is still very young, hopefully we will see them grow into a contender. If we can learn how to press...

Anyways: On to the coach:

Nice Guyness-A+++ even though we might dog him some we still think he's a nice guy
Game Planning-D+
In Game Adjustments-D+
Use of Talent-F
Really Really Nice Guyness-A++
Ability to Make Spirit Squad-A
Talent Development-C-
Recruiting-B+ good freshman class but face it at FUS Jesus does half the work; plus he can't get the Duke out there

Keys of the Game
Big game against our "rivals" this Friday. Here's how we see us winning (funny I know)
1. Find an Offense- and if we've actually got one run it. Even if we get behind. No more jacking up 40-footers when we are down 15. You are not Larry Bird. (God bless the basketball Jesus)

2. Get Our Reserves into the Game- we have got 32 players, use them.

3. Run the Court/PRESS- for the love of God we have got 32 players.

4. Prayer- its a STEUBENVILLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. Have you seen the crime rate? Or the high school sports?

That's it for now, analysis will come after the game. See you at the Tailgate!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Mount Union Slaughter of 2007

Holy ____

that was an ___ whooping

but lets not get ahead of ourselves. we will first highlight the few brightspots of tonights performance


1) Matt Liedel (pronounced LIE DELL, get it freakin rite) is a stud. He was one of the few players who looked legit tonight. After sinking 5 straight threes in the first half, Matthew Liedel will be known henceforth as Matt "I'm thinking Arby's" Liedel (5 for 5 special - GET IT?). Not only was Matt our entire offense tonight he also was the first man ever to be a starting 6'2 forward in college basketball history. That's recruiting for ya!

2) Zach "I can't catch a ball to save my life" Hohenburg had some sweet poke aways that set up unsuccessful break aways, but lets leave that for later.

3) Benjamin "Marcia, Marcia Marcia!" Liedel was one of few barons who understood that the only way we could take down the Goliaths was to play Defense, get this, beyond the three point line.

4) Tim "16th man of the year" Thrun hit a buzzer beating shot to cut the lead down to double digits

5) Michael "No one helps me bring up the ball" Fuez played a solid game despite the fact that that the entire Mount Union Squad surrounded him the whole game like a pack of wolfs who haven't seen a gazelle in God knows when.

6) Steven "Hungry like the Wolf by Duran" Duran seemed to be the only pg with vision of the court today.


1) The Scoreboard. Sweet God. Now we know what its like to be a Buffalo Bills fan

2) Where the hell was Coach Walsh, man!?

3) Connor "turns men gay for him and his baddass skills, and yet we still have three more years to flaunt over the goodness" Flanagan was not able to get over the multiple traveling violations tacked onto him (seriously, the Irishman looked like he just left the pub after he would set his feet). But lets remember, he was the ____ last home game.

4) Curtis "why the ____ am i on the bench" Allen was just that; on the bench. give me a break. It was like watching the episode of Friday Night Lights (its the best show ever) where Tim Riggins, one of the best players on the team, doesn't play. It was like sitting Hayden Penataire from Heroes and casting Rosie O'Donnel as the hot cheerleader. And un-like Hayden, Allen is not supposed to be a cheerleader. "Save Allen, Save the season!". This is like sitting Stephon Erkelle for Steve Erkel. Its like going to the BMW dealer with money won at the casino, and deciding "I'd rather have a KIA". I think I've made my point.

5) I guess Catholics don't breed tall men.

6) Nate "Captain Crunch Time" Stanton has been anything but this season. the guy is like the coolest guy around, but with so many new players on this team, Stanton has yet to find his niche in this new system.

7) Baron Von Steubie needs to learn to learn some new tricks. I'm waiting for him to bleed out of his ear after on more of these human bowling ball experiments. "Mommy, mommy, look what i can do!". Hes the damn clown from Air Bud. I wanna go home and hide my dog.

8) Mount Union Guard #20 only increased his douche-status by staring down the crowd for taunting him during a free throw. After being told by the crowd to "THINK!!" by a group of pre-thes, he gave us a look like rivaled one of a bratty little 7 year-old who just defied his father by not eating his peas. He did his best Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson impression. I don't know about anyone else, but i definitely smelled what douche-boy was cooking.

9) R.I.P. Dan "Moses parting the Red Sea" Johnson. Retire his jersey already.

10) What the hell is up with the "highlight video". since when is missing a layup in 1902 a highlight? Is that our legacy, our tradition? Sweet God. One thing we do know is that the older timers passed like fiends. I guess that's how they kept the score back then.

11) OK, think of Coach K at Duke. Got it? now think of the opposite. that's what we're dealing with here. The only thing that Coach Billy Donovan of 2-time champion University of Florida and 3-time women's high school champion of the basketball breeding grounds of Delaware, Coach Sean Donovan, is their male genitalia and Catholicism. Besides the fact that his subbing abilities are unsurpassed, his coaching ability is unmatched. thank god we hired a man who instead of yelling insights to his men on the court, yells and jumps up and down like a crazy person with his feet on fire for five minutes during a comeback (last home game) , telling the already out of control crowd to get, get this, louder. Maybe he should be reassigned to the now debunk Spirit Squad. I miss crazy man and his modestly clad gals, don't you? I could go on, but I'm gonna give the guy a break.

12) Where the hell was the press? what is the point of keeping an NCAA Division 1 Football-sized roster if we're not gonna use them and run the hell outta the other team. Matt "I'm thinking Arby's" Liedel is the man, but i don't exactly feel comfortable with a half court defense that features him one on one with 6'10 Steroid O'Balco. One of the few things we have is speed. If you got it, flaunt it girlfriend.

13) Putting out an APB on 6-5 Andrew "A-O' Kay. Wait, no, never mind. A team without height on the floor using the height on the bench? foolish me.


1) Chas "tity till marriage is for me" Marks. Floppy McGee is no more. I already miss Mop-head

2) Matt "I'm thinking Arby's" Liedel's ugly-ass shot in the second half. how the hell did that go in?


Tim Tebow Superman Award - Matt "I'm thinking Arby's" Liedel. Don't tug on this Superman's cape. He will kill you.

Norv Turner Award for Outstanding Coaching (we love giving this award)- Sean Donovan

Paddy's Diner All-American (this diner in West Virginia that had dog crap on the floor with a "caution wet" sign above it)
(we hate to give this award) - Conor "i turn men gay" Flanagan. A stud, but traveled to all the way to china tonight.

Till next game! see ya at the tailgate.

The Barons are Back!

Welcome to the first post of the baron blog. We are self-appointed analysts of Franciscan sports, intramural and varsity. We will be providing our insights, insults, and intelligent and sometimes irreverent observations of the teams at FUS. Just think of us as the guys who say what everyone else is thinking ; tourettes-inflicted sports fans, so to speak.

the thoughts of this blogs do not reflect those of the university or athletic department of FUS